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All our therapists are officially registered in the United Kingdom. We are experienced in working with individuals and families who are dealing with emotional problems, marital relationship and personal growth. Issues includes, but not limited to, depressive mood, anxiety, trauma- and stressor-related, somatic symptoms and other personality problems.


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Our features

  • we speak Cantonese

  • we can setup up first appointment with you in a few days

  • we charge reasonable price

  • we keep your information confidential

  • we meet you online, i.e. anywhere at a time convenient to you

Our background

We are professional counsellors from Hong Kong, born and raised in Hong Kong, and now live in the United Kingdom. We received professional counselling training. All of our psychological therapists are holders of relevant degree or above with at least ten years' relevant experience.


  • 我們講廣東話

  • 幾天內可安排第一次約見

  • 收費合理

  • 資料保密

  • 網上輔導,不論你身在何處也可約見


我們是來自香港, 在香港出生成長, 現居於英國的專業心理輔導員, 我們接受輔導專業訓練, 獲得碩士或以上的學位及多項專業資格, 並同時累積了超過十年以上的臨床心理輔導經驗。

多年來我們懷著「與人同行」的使命, 熱誠地幫助身處不同困境, 以及被情緒困擾的人, 讓他們得著力量及支持, 知道自己並不孤單, 勇敢地走出幽谷。

我們延續著這份使命, 繼續為來自不同地方的朋友, 跨越地域的界限, 提供專業的網上視像心理治療服務。

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